Webinar OnDemand
Webinar OnDemand

Webinar with ISS and Cleanology

Webinar: Using AI learning to improve frontline staff engagement

Hosted by Facilities Management Journal

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Learn from ISS UK,  Cleanology, and Lingio how to boost staff engagement and retention in frontline industries 

On September 11th, Lingio's CEO, Yashar Moradbakhti, discussed how to improve frontline staff engagement with panellists from ISS UK and Cleanology.

Attracting new frontline talent is difficult, especially as the latest generation works and learns differently. In fact, 91 per cent of deskless workers demand better training software. 

This panel discussed how easy-to-use and efficient AI tools can help create engaging and gamified learning experiences that fit the needs of underserved frontline workers.

Listen to this webinar to hear from our experts on:

  • Strategies to address the sector challenges of high turnover and skills shortages 

  • How to optimise training for a diverse and busy on-the-go frontline workforce 

  • How digital tools and AI can be used to boost engagement and learning results

  • Top tips on improving staff engagement in frontline industries 


  • Clare Montgomery, Head of People Data & Analytics, ISS UK
  • Jade Collazo HR Director, Cleanology
  • Yashar Moradbakhti, CEO at Lingio

Time and date
This webinar is available on demand. It was recorded on September 11th 2024. 

Watch the webinar by submitting the form below. 

Watch the webinar on demand


How to effectively boost staff engagement


How to use AI to improve learning at work


Learn from industry leaders ISS and Cleanology

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