Lingio talents & career

An interview with Lingio’s Jonas Abrahamsson

Interview - Jonas Abrahamsson

What first caught your attention when you met the Lingio team during your initial interview?

During my initial interview with Lingio, I was immediately impressed by how the company addresses a very real and relevant need in the market and society by helping make learning and development easy and accessible for all. I recognized the value of how Lingio breaks down language barriers and promotes more effective communication. 

Additionally, I was drawn to the company's leadership approach, which is rooted in "soft" values such as empathy, collaboration, and community building. These are values that I strongly identify with, and I believe they’re essential to creating a positive and sustainable impact in the world.

Why did you choose Lingio? 

I chose Lingio because I saw the potential for real impact in addressing a challenge that affects society at large. Using the latest technology, we can provide a unique value proposition that sets us apart from other companies in the industry. 

Joining Lingio was a decision that aligned with my personal and professional goals, and I'm proud to contribute to the company's mission.

What aspects of working for Lingio are you most looking forward to during the remainder of 2023? 

I'm excited about the opportunity to work more closely with our customers. In particular, I'm looking forward to exploring how we can help them improve their recruiting, training, and retention efforts. 

By collaborating closely with our clients, we can better understand their unique needs and pain points. 

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