Lingio talents & career

“There’s no shortage of interesting and varied things to work with as an AI developer at Lingio.”

An interview with Lingio's AI Developer, Jonathan


Relocating to a new country can be overwhelming, and newcomers often face various challenges, including securing a new job, learning the local language, and making new friends. Lingio was designed to empower learners on their language journey and inspire them throughout their transition into Swedish society. 

Lingio has since expanded internationally, and our AI-powered eLearning platform helps organisations upskill staff members and onboard new hires faster. Our engaging, gamified courses deliver 12x higher completion rates compared to other training providers on the market. Jonathan has recently joined the Lingio team; read on to learn more about how he plans to make an impact. 

AI Developer, Jonathan - “The AI tools we’re working with are constantly evolving and it’s a very dynamic field, so I’m excited to see where everything leads.“

What caught your attention when you met us the first time?

I first met with Lingio in 2018 when I was looking for a summer job while studying. I was studying an engineering program in media technology. Lingio seemed to offer a great opportunity to develop my own skills and work with something that was relevant to me, but at the same time had a tangible, positive impact on people’s lives. The team seemed passionate, curious and like great people to work with.


Why did you choose Lingio?

I have been back with Lingio multiple times over the summers while studying and have had ample time to get a feel for the company. Lingio has felt like a very natural fit for me. There’s no shortage of interesting and varied things to work with as an AI developer at Lingio. I also value the great degree of flexibility and freedom that comes with my role.


What do you look forward to in 2024?

The AI tools we’re working with are constantly evolving and it’s a very dynamic field, so I’m excited to see where everything leads. On a personal level I’m also finishing my masters thesis and moving so lots of exciting things are happening in my life.

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